Girl (14) raped by group of teenagers in Belgium, youngest suspect is only 11 | Abroad

Girl (14) raped by group of teenagers in Belgium, youngest suspect is only 11 | Abroad
Girl (14) raped by group of teenagers in Belgium, youngest suspect is only 11 | Abroad

Authorities in Belgium are investigating the gang rape of a fourteen-year-old girl in a forest in Kortrijk, Flemish media reported on Wednesday. The arrested suspects are between the ages of eleven and sixteen.

The rape took place around Easter. The girl was lured to the woods by her boyfriend and sexually abused by several minors, reports include VRT.

The youngest arrested suspect is eleven years old. “Precisely because the perpetrators are so young, we release little information. They have all been identified and arrested and measures have been taken by the juvenile judge. Our attention is now first and foremost on the victim. She is receiving guidance to help her cope with these events. places,” a spokesperson for the Belgian Public Prosecution Service told the broadcaster.

It is not clear exactly how many suspects are involved. HLN talks about “a dozen”. The authorities do not report this.

The extent of the involvement of the arrested suspects is now being investigated. The girl, who herself reported the sexual abuse, will receive, according to HLN psychological assistance.

Beeld: Getty Images

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België Buitenland

The article is in Dutch


Tags: Girl raped group teenagers Belgium youngest suspect
