14-year-old girl victim of gang rape in Belgium, 11-year-old boy was on the lookout | Abroad

14-year-old girl victim of gang rape in Belgium, 11-year-old boy was on the lookout | Abroad
14-year-old girl victim of gang rape in Belgium, 11-year-old boy was on the lookout | Abroad

In Kortrijk, Belgium, a 14-year-old girl was lured into a bush by her boyfriend and raped several times. About ten young people were present. The West Flanders public prosecutor’s office confirms this. The facts are said to have taken place over three days. A number of the suspects — the eldest is 16 — have now been placed in a closed institution.

Judicial circles react with horror to the facts that date back to the Easter holidays, but have only now become known. The girl was lured to the Kabouterbos by her 16-year-old boyfriend. This is a small grove that leads into the Scheutistenlaan in Kortrijk, it is especially popular with mountain bikers and hikers.

A dozen young people are said to have waited for her in the forest and raped her. Various sources have stated that the events occurred over three days. It is not clear whether the victim was held captive all this time. The teenager, who ultimately came up with the facts himself, is now receiving psychological guidance.

On the watch

The West Flanders public prosecutor’s office confirms the facts but is very sparing with comments. “This is a particularly delicate file with only underage suspects,” says spokeswoman Griet De Perst. “They were all identified, arrested and are under the supervision of the juvenile judge.”

Some of the suspects have now been placed in community institutions, while other measures have been taken against the rest. Research must now clarify the extent of the individual involvement of young people. For example, the youngest suspect, a boy of barely 11 years old, would have been a lookout and would have hardly known what was happening in the Kabouterbos.

Last weekend another gang rape took place in Kortrijk: a 17-year-old girl became the victim.

The facts took place in the Kabouterbos in Kortrijk. © Hans Verbeke

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The article is in Dutch


Tags: #14yearold girl victim gang rape Belgium #11yearold boy lookout
