Public Prosecution Service Belgium demands up to 30 years in prison for torturing Dutchman after rip deal

Public Prosecution Service Belgium demands up to 30 years in prison for torturing Dutchman after rip deal
Public Prosecution Service Belgium demands up to 30 years in prison for torturing Dutchman after rip deal

Photo: ANP

The Belgian Public Prosecution Service is demanding up to thirty years in prison for the men who allegedly seriously tortured a Dutchman from Heumen (Gelderland) after the theft of a shipment of cocaine. The Public Prosecution Service charges them with, among other things, attempted murder and severely mutilating torture.

According to the Public Prosecution Service, the man in his thirties became the victim of a prank in the drug circuit. His clan from the Nijmegen area is said to have stolen 15 kilos of cocaine from a drug gang, who then took revenge. They allegedly kidnapped the Heume resident to Belgium and tortured him there. According to prosecutors, they chopped off the phalanges of his fingers, carved the word ‘thief’ into his forehead and poured ammonia into wounds on his back. According to De Telegraaf, the gang was in a tight spot because the lost coke allegedly belonged to the infamous Dutch drug baron Bolle Jos.

During a hearing in the court in Turnhout on Wednesday, the Public Prosecution Service demanded a prison sentence of 30 years against two alleged perpetrators of the atrocities. Eight other defendants should receive prison sentences of between 17 and 25 years. Three gang members with a minor role were sentenced to 3 years in prison.

The article is in Dutch


Tags: Public Prosecution Service Belgium demands years prison torturing Dutchman rip deal
