Reporting to the North police zone will become easier for foreign visitors

Reporting to the North police zone will become easier for foreign visitors
Reporting to the North police zone will become easier for foreign visitors

“It regularly happens that foreign visitors only report a non-urgent incident of which they fell victim during their stay with us upon their return from their trip,” says Cécile Jodogne (Défi), president of the police college of the Brussels North zone and acting mayor of Schaerbeek. “This often entails administrative hassle, which can sometimes be avoided if the fact is immediately reported to the Belgian police.”

That is why the Brussels North police have developed an application that allows foreign visitors to report a non-urgent incident to the police services online, via the counter of their hotel. This report generates an incident sheet at the Brussels North police, so that it can ensure that victims can file a complaint. The application thus strengthens the offering of the Police-on-web platform, which is only accessible to Belgian residents.

Easily recognizable point of contact

Hotels will also be able to report misconduct or incidents to the police, who will then immediately have the necessary information to provide an appropriate police response. In this way, hotels also have a clear and easily recognizable point of contact at the Brussels North police.

“Thanks to this new tool and our partnership with the BHA, many people who do not reside in Belgium will be better treated as victims,” says Chief Commissioner Olivier Slosse, chief of police of the Brussels North police zone.

Rodolphe Van Weyenbergh, Secretary General of the BHA, is also pleased: “This agreement aims to significantly improve the accessibility and user-friendliness of the police services for hotels and foreign visitors. This is a first in Belgium!”

The article is in Dutch


Tags: Reporting North police zone easier foreign visitors
