Three perpetrators of sexual abuse nominated for archbishop’s advisory council

Three perpetrators of sexual abuse nominated for archbishop’s advisory council
Three perpetrators of sexual abuse nominated for archbishop’s advisory council

“I couldn’t believe it when the electoral list arrived in my mailbox: three perpetrators who abused several minor victims. One of them has been brought to justice, and at least a settlement (the contract setting out the financial compensation for the abuse, ed.) has been concluded for the other two. The last settlement was barely a week ago. A shame,” says Devillé.

“If this information is correct, then it is a serious, structural error,” responds Geert De Kerpel, spokesperson for Archbishop Luc Terlinden. He cannot confirm whether perpetrators are on the list, but does not doubt Devillé’s statements.

‘Serious structural error’

In The morning De Kerpel explained on Radio 1 that the lists are drawn up automatically, and that the priests therefore do not put themselves forward as candidates. The priests involved also did not know in advance that they would be on the lists. Moreover, only those in charge of the diocese know with whom a settlement has been concluded, the people who drew up the list do not know that.

However, that is no excuse, he says. “We should have known. It was a serious structural error, an intermediary should have gone over the names and had those people deleted,” the spokesperson said. “Archbishop Terlinden apologizes. We must tackle and remedy this thoroughly and structurally.” For example, the lists need to be monitored more closely, and it may also be an option to inform priests in advance that they will be on the list, so that they can have themselves removed.

No priestly duties

The electoral lists must be returned by mid-May, only then will it be clear who the elected officials are. If someone were to be elected who is indeed known as a perpetrator of abuse, Archbishop Terlinden will refuse his appointment, according to De Kerpel.

De Kerpel emphasizes that the people in question are retired and therefore no longer perform priestly duties. Yet they were still on the list of priests. “When priests are convicted or a settlement is reached, we always ask the Vatican whether they should be returned to the lay state. We are always in favor of that, but the bishop here cannot decide that,” said the spokesperson. The application for the priest who reached a settlement a week ago is currently in the Vatican.

The article is in Dutch


Tags: perpetrators sexual abuse nominated archbishops advisory council
