Samsung and Basic-Fit make the Netherlands and Belgium healthier

Samsung and Basic-Fit make the Netherlands and Belgium healthier
Samsung and Basic-Fit make the Netherlands and Belgium healthier

A large part of Basic-Fit consists of young athletes. With more than 1,500 branches throughout Europe, Basic-Fit wants to become part of the daily routine of young people. Samsung also wants to be part of the daily lives of the new generation of athletes, with devices such as the Galaxy smartphone and Watch and Galaxy buds to listen to music while exercising.

Gamified workout
Basic-Fit has already taken steps towards gamified workouts, where athletes remain continuously challenged. Samsung’s innovations will play an important role in this in the near future. With Samsung’s smartwatch you can game during squat exercises. The sports and body features on the smart watch help you train more intensively and efficiently. Because all performances can be followed and shared on the screens in the clubs, in the Basic-Fit app and on social media, you can challenge friends.

Maurice Ridder, Head of Retail Media Basic-Fit: We are very happy with this collaboration. We felt from moment one that we can combine all our touchpoints and help each other achieve our goals. Samsung is the first to provide us with the first in-club activations. In addition to this activation, Cheil Benelux created a campaign in which Samsung is present in a very natural way on our screens, socials, audio and in the Basic-Fit app for all clubs in the Netherlands & Belgium!’

Gerben van Walt Meijer, Marketing Manager Mobile eXperiences: Samsung Electronics Netherlands: Samsung uses technology to make everyone’s life easier. We do this by fully focusing on innovation, also within the sports world. We have already made our mark with Olympic athletes who performed better thanks to our innovations. This summer we will once again support the Olympic Games in Paris as one of the main sponsors. With this dynamic, virtual squat challenge, we are giving a whole new generation of athletes the opportunity to get to know our products and thus live an even better and healthier life. Basic-Fit is the perfect partner for that.’

After a pitch, it was decided to work with Cheil Benelux for this campaign, which lasts nine months.

Retail Media Day
Maurice Ridder, Head of Retail Media Basic-Fit, is one of the speakers during the Retail Media Day, which will be held in Media Plaza in Utrecht on 28. At this event, a collaboration between the trade magazines Twinkle and MarketingTribune, Ridder will include this collaboration with Samsung.
More information:

The article is in Dutch


Tags: Samsung BasicFit Netherlands Belgium healthier
