Reuse and recycling of ceramic building materials in Belgium

Reuse and recycling of ceramic building materials in Belgium
Reuse and recycling of ceramic building materials in Belgium

Although the production process of ceramic building materials such as bricks and roof tiles still has an impact on CO2 emissions, mainly due to the use of fossil fuels, these materials also have many circular benefits. Made from clay and natural additives, they are known for their longevity and potential for reuse and recycling, a practice that is becoming increasingly common in Belgium according to the Belgian Brick Federation.

Recycling and demolition materials in Belgium

In Belgium, bricks and roof tiles from demolition works have been recycled for several years. Today, no less than 95% of these materials are processed. They are ground into granules in crushing plants, which are then used in foundation works, or sometimes as gravel for tennis courts, or as raw material for new interior wall bricks.

From downcycling to upcycling

Although recycling building materials is a sustainable step, it often involves downcycling. However, the focus should be more on upcycling, where bricks and roof tiles are reused in their current form. In Belgium this only happens on a small scale. Some demolition companies carefully remove the bricks and roof tiles, clean them of mortar residues and reuse them in restoration or new construction projects.

The future of recycled materials

The Belgian Brick Federation looks to the future with an optimistic view. It expects that the reuse of ceramic building materials will increase in the coming years, mainly due to a shift from demolition to dismantling of buildings. This method not only promotes the reuse of ceramic materials but also of other building materials, which will stimulate a more sustainable construction sector in Belgium.

The article is in Dutch


Tags: Reuse recycling ceramic building materials Belgium
