Police organize large-scale action against suspected hairdressers in Lier: “Combating poisoning of the legal economy” (Lier)

Police organize large-scale action against suspected hairdressers in Lier: “Combating poisoning of the legal economy” (Lier)
Police organize large-scale action against suspected hairdressers in Lier: “Combating poisoning of the legal economy” (Lier)

The Lierse ILR team or Intelligence Led Response Team has been operational within the Lierse police zone for several months. The team works closely with the Antwerp public prosecutor’s office. They noted that a striking number of hairdressers have been added recently. “By investigating, 28 people who were associated with the drug environment were already interrogated,” says Chief of Police Stijn Van den Bulck.

The District Information and Expertise Center (Ariec) was also closely involved in the action. The Ariec, a department of the Coordination and Support Directorate (CSD) of the Antwerp Federal Police, supports local authorities and police zones within the district in the administrative approach to organized crime. “Through an administrative approach we can erect barriers against criminal networks,” explains Clara Vanquekelberghe of Ariec Antwerp.

“The Ariec focuses on subversive crime. To this end, we work together with all chains, such as local authorities, local police and inspection services. In Lier, among other places, we are currently carrying out a number of actions to develop a possible preventive approach in the long term,” Vanquekelberghe adds.


These actions are driven by growing concern about the rise of shady barbershops and beauty salons. The police, judiciary and various inspection services are alert to possible abuse, such as money laundering.

“Criminals are trying to buy into the regular economy, using barbershops as money laundering vehicles,” explains Minister of Justice Paul Van Tigchelt (Open VLD). “It is primarily about sending a signal, to demonstrate that we do not accept organized crime buying into the regular fabric.”

“We are trying to prevent the poisoning of our legal economy,” Minister of Justice Paul Van Tigchelt (Open VLD) frames the action. — © hb


The rise of these businesses as potential facades for illegal activities is a national trend, fueled by relaxed regulations surrounding barbershops. “We see it in Mechelen, Lier and Antwerp, but also in Kortrijk and other cities,” notes Van Tigchelt.

“It is very important that we regularly carry out checks with ready actions. This way we can determine things. The strictest penalty is immediate closure, but it also provides important information for criminal investigations.”

“We organize actions like today for entrepreneurs who are in good faith, to protect them against rogue entrepreneurs and in this case against rogue hairdressers. It causes distortion of competition, degradation and nuisance.”

Paul Van Tigchelt

Minister of justice

It is also an important matter for local entrepreneurs. “Ultimately, we organize actions like today for entrepreneurs who are in good faith, to protect them against rogue entrepreneurs and in this case against rogue hairdressers. It causes distortion of competition, degradation and nuisance. But above all the poisoning of our legal economy and that is what we are trying to combat.”

Chief of Police Stijn Van Den Buck (middle) and Minister Paul Van Tigchelt.

Chief of Police Stijn Van Den Buck (middle) and Minister Paul Van Tigchelt. — © Hélène Baccaert

This large-scale action is made possible by the participation of various authorities, including the National Social Security Office, the Social Security Self-Employed Entrepreneurs, the National Employment Office, the Economic Inspectorate and the Supervision of Social Laws. Each partner has its own powers and operates within its own framework.

The results of the campaign are not yet known. During previous actions at barbers, the police found several kilos of hard drugs and a prohibited weapon.

Tags: Police organize largescale action suspected hairdressers Lier Combating poisoning legal economy Lier
