DelRey’s Chocolate Lounge reopens with a new team: “All our successful dishes will be retained”


At chocolatier-pastry chef DelRey in the Appelmansstraat on the edge of Antwerp’s diamond district, they have reopened their Chocolate Lounge next to the store. The most popular dishes from the past are still on the menu.

“Without exaggeration, we were asked several times a day when we would reopen the Lounge next to our store. We have closed them since November 2022, due to staffing problems after corona. Our lounge was a great success until it closed. We have changed things here and there, but our concept has consciously remained the same,” says Julie Proot of DelRey.

The Lounge is open from Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 6pm. Between 12 noon and 2 p.m. the room is exclusively reserved for lunch. Before and after, everyone is welcome for a coffee, tea, dessert or savory dish.

The salad with goat cheese. Photo: Thomas Nagels

“Now that we announced that we would reopen, customers asked us not to change too much (laughs). We can reassure them: all our successful dishes will be retained. Think of our salad with goat cheese (24 euros) or tagliatelli with scampi (29 euros). The creativity of our new kitchen team has also ensured that we propose a number of new dishes, such as beetroot in salt crust (25 euros),” says Julie.

Photo: Pieter Rabijns/

The article is in Dutch


Tags: DelReys Chocolate Lounge reopens team successful dishes retained
