‘Care and restraint’ in new collaborations KU Leuven with Israeli universities

‘Care and restraint’ in new collaborations KU Leuven with Israeli universities
‘Care and restraint’ in new collaborations KU Leuven with Israeli universities


© Zourab Moussaev

KU Leuven is not stopping existing collaborations with Israeli universities, but is opting for restraint in entering into new projects.

Following the war in Gaza, the Dual Use Committee of KU Leuven examined existing collaborations with Israeli universities. After evaluating these connections, it was decided not to stop the current collaborations, writes Rector Luc Sels in an internal email to the KU Leuven community.

However, the university has opted for restraint in taking on new projects: ‘The committee points out that there are credible indications of serious human rights violations by the Israeli army and the current Israeli government,’ says Sels. “Most Israeli universities have ties to the military and/or are funded by the Israeli government.” That reluctance will remain ‘as long as the Israeli government maintains its hard line’.

Sels also points out that universities do not coincide with the government that finances them. ‘They can actively contribute to change in Israel more than anyone else. In that sense it is important to continue the dialogue with them.’ Furthermore, Sels calls for the violence to stop and for investments in the reconstruction of Gaza, including the infrastructure for research and higher education.

Ongoing protest

The situation in Gaza has been keeping Flemish higher education busy for some time. The call for an (academic) boycott of Israel has become increasingly louder lately. Also Veto previously reported on KU Leuven’s ties with Israeli universities.

In February, several students took to the streets with the message ‘Break up with Israel’. Student Hanna De Boe went on a hunger strike at the university halls between Monday and Wednesday last week with that message. The action is now being continued by sympathizers.
