Tram derailed in the center of Ghent: traffic jam and severe disruption on all tram lines (Ghent)

Tram derailed in the center of Ghent: traffic jam and severe disruption on all tram lines (Ghent)
Tram derailed in the center of Ghent: traffic jam and severe disruption on all tram lines (Ghent)

A derailed tram at Lippensplein caused serious disruption on all tram lines in Ghent on Thursday evening. How exactly the incident happened is under investigation.

Fien Lakiere and Jill Dhondt

Today at 7:12 PM

The Hippoliet Lippensplein at the intersection of the Vlaanderenstraat with the Brabantdam is a busy point for the trams in Ghent: tram 1, 2 and 3 pass there. Things went wrong there on Thursday evening: a tram derailed in the bend and blocked the entire intersection.

One of the neighbors heard a loud bell from a tram just after 5 p.m. and immediately went to check it out. “I thought someone had been knocked over, but the tram turned out to have derailed. Later I heard that it was the tram computer.”

“A tram indeed ended up next to the tracks at a switch,” says De Lijn spokesperson Annelies Meynaerts. “There were no injuries. The technical team is on site to determine how the vehicle can best be removed.”

Not a single tram can pass through, but there is also serious disruption to other traffic between the Kouter and the Zuid. “It is of course an unfortunate place for tram traffic,” says Meynaerts. “We cannot predict when the situation will be resolved. The cause is also still being examined by the technical team.”

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The article is in Dutch


Tags: Tram derailed center Ghent traffic jam severe disruption tram lines Ghent
