Brussels also concludes a migration deal with Lebanon: ‘There will be a lot of criticism about this’

Brussels also concludes a migration deal with Lebanon: ‘There will be a lot of criticism about this’
Brussels also concludes a migration deal with Lebanon: ‘There will be a lot of criticism about this’
InternationalMay 2 ’24 11:28Author: BNR Web Editorial

After the deals with Turkey, Tunisia and Egypt, the European Commission has also concluded a migration agreement with Lebanon. In exchange for 1 billion euros, the country, which is in a deep crisis and is partly in the hands of the militant organization Hezbollah, must stop refugees who may want to travel to the EU. Yet the deal in this case is different from previous deals, says BNR’s Europe reporter Geert Jan Hahn. “There’s going to be a lot of criticism in this case.”

Brussels also concludes a migration deal with Lebanon: ‘There will be a lot of criticism about this’

6 min 31 sec

The deal between the EU and Lebanon was mainly set up under pressure from EU member state Cyprus. That country saw a huge growth in the number of Syrian refugees coming to the country this year. Last year, only 78 Syrian refugees had the country as their destination in the first quarter, but now there are more than two thousand in the first three months of this year. “The implementation of this (package) was at the initiative of President Christodoulides and the Republic of Cyprus and is practical proof of the active role the EU can play in our region,” a Cypriot government spokesperson said.

‘All studies show that Syria cannot currently be considered a safe place’

Geert Jan Hahn, Europe reporter

But the criticism that Hahn points out mainly has to do with the plan that is in place for Syria. ‘What Cyprus and Lebanon have lobbied for is the creation of safe zones in Syria so that people are no longer classified as war refugees.’ According to Hahn, such a move is a step further than the migration deals previously concluded with other countries in North Africa and with Turkey.

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It is still unclear whether these safe zones are also being achieved within the agreement with Lebanon. Commission President Ursula von der Leyen emphasized that efforts are being made to facilitate a ‘more structured approach to voluntary return’ of Syrian refugees. However, Hahn wonders whether Von der Leyen has a ‘mandate’ for concluding this deal. “All studies show that Syria cannot currently be considered a safe place.”

Investment money

Foreign commentator Bernard Hammelburg also questions the money involved in the deal. The billion donated to Lebanon is paid directly to the country’s army, including for the purchase of equipment and training for the country’s border control. Hammelburg wonders whether the money will really be spent on this. ‘The only way to get it right is to appoint officials who will only deal with this issue and ensure that the money is used in the way it is intended.’

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He also wonders whether money is really the solution to stop Syrians in their attempt to find a safer country. ‘You then have to look at what problem lies behind it. The only thing you can do is make sure they don’t leave Syria.’

After the deals with Turkey, Tunisia and Egypt, the European Commission has also concluded a migration agreement with Lebanon. (ANP/EPA)

The article is in Dutch


Tags: Brussels concludes migration deal Lebanon lot criticism
