Sixty-something died after serious accident at Jan de Vos tunnel: “Tunnel is temporarily closed” (Wilrijk)

Sixty-something died after serious accident at Jan de Vos tunnel: “Tunnel is temporarily closed” (Wilrijk)
Sixty-something died after serious accident at Jan de Vos tunnel: “Tunnel is temporarily closed” (Wilrijk)

The Jan de Vos tunnel in Wilrijk is closed after a serious single-vehicle accident. A car ended up on the roof. The driver, in his sixties, died in hospital.

The man in his sixties was driving his car on the A12 towards Antwerp around 12.30 pm. “At the junction with the Liberation Tunnel, the car crashed into the narrowed central reservation for an unknown reason,” says the federal police. “The car was catapulted and landed on its roof.”

Several other drivers who saw the accident immediately came to the trapped driver’s aid. “The victim was taken to hospital in life-threatening condition, but died there from his injuries,” the federal police said.

The Jan de Vos tunnel is temporarily closed. Traffic is directed towards the Liberation Tunnel. The Flemish Traffic Center advises drivers who have to go from Brussels to Antwerp to take the E19 instead of the A12.

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The article is in Dutch


Tags: Sixtysomething died accident Jan Vos tunnel Tunnel temporarily closed Wilrijk
