This is the first anthem of Brussels

This is the first anthem of Brussels
This is the first anthem of Brussels

This new anthem is called ‘Brusseleir’ and is sung in the Brussels dialect, with words such as ‘Brusseleir’ instead of ‘Brusselaar’ and ‘bêzekes’ for ‘kiss’. The chorus is simple, so everyone can sing along. “Even if you don’t speak the language,” says Geert Dehaes, director of the organization that created the song.

“We call it an anthem because it shows the Brussels identity,” says Geert Dehaes. The song describes Brussels residents as “different from Flemish and Walloons” and also “unique” and “authentic” and “welcome anywhere in the world”.

The makers hope that this song will bring people from different communities and ages together. They also want to make the Brussels dialect more known in Brussels, where so many different languages ​​are spoken.

The national anthem is written to the melody of an existing song by singer Johan Verminnen. It will be officially presented on Saturday during the opening of the Iris Festival. You can already listen to it via our website and on YouTube.

This article is part of a collaboration with the House of Dutch on Simple Dutch. You can find more about this project here back. Read the original article here.

The article is in Dutch


Tags: anthem Brussels
