actress accidentally shows too much on Instagram (photos)

actress accidentally shows too much on Instagram (photos)
actress accidentally shows too much on Instagram (photos)

Here and there there are flowers in front of the buds, but one is missing.

Jemina Kirke was born in London on April 26, 1985, but she moved across the pond to study at the Rhode Island School of Design. Her big dream was to become an artist. However, one day her high school friend, the actress Lena Dunham, offered her to play a supporting role in Dunham’s debut film ‘Tiny Furniture’. From that debut it went on to the series ‘Girls’ and voilà: her career as an actress was off.

Jemina also likes to be crazy on her Instagram. Like now, when she shows her new underwear. “New underwear. Not only is it cute and completely free at New York Presbyterian, but you can also shit right in it. Obsessed.”, the caption reads. But in English of course: an actress born in London who now lives in America does not speak Dutch at all.

Those underpants are also the only thing she wears. A flower here and there should hide an Instagram-forbidden nipple. But in one photo she certainly forgot that.

The article is in Dutch

Tags: actress accidentally shows Instagram photos
