Mustii does not reach the Eurovision finals: ‘It’s all about the message I share’

Mustii does not reach the Eurovision finals: ‘It’s all about the message I share’
Mustii does not reach the Eurovision finals: ‘It’s all about the message I share’

Mustii, stage name of Thomas Mustin, looks visibly disappointed when our country is not named as one of the finalists for next Saturday. The fact that the Belgian entry was considered a contender in the run-up to the music festival makes it even more painful not to survive the second semi-final.

“There is no jury in this part of the race, only the viewers at home decide. That makes it so difficult,” he told us the day before. “But I mainly came here to touch others. When I receive messages from people who are going through a difficult time and my song helps them, then I have achieved my goal. It shouldn’t necessarily be about winning.”

In August 2023, Mustii was appointed by the RTBF as the Belgian candidate for the Eurovision Song Contest 2024. “I was the first artist from all participating countries to be released. Fans of the competition had not yet fully digested the previous edition, or I was already there,” he laughs. “In Wallonia we use the saying ‘the first will be last’, let’s hope not.”

We will only know Belgium’s effective number of points and the position in which we ended up after the competition. “By the way, the French-speaking public broadcaster admitted that they didn’t really know my music, they chose me for my profile. Together with them I started looking for a suitable song.”

The song that was chosen, ‘Before the party’s over’, was already ready. It will soon appear on the artist’s new album.

Drama queen

Mustii is mainly known in French-speaking Belgium. There he is considered an established artist. “I don’t understand why some people see that as a risk. The Eurovision Song Contest has long been proving that it is a quality brand, and not the kitschy one it used to be compared to. Also the artists of France (Slimane, LB) and the United Kingdom (Olly Alexander, LB) have been in the industry for some time. If things go wrong, so be it. We can always fall back on other projects. That is why I see this participation as a challenge, and not necessarily as something that my entire career depends on.”

In addition to being a singer, Mustii is also a jury member of Drag Race Belgique and an actor in both Belgian and French productions. “I didn’t want to be a firefighter or a pilot, but an actor. I can also fulfill that need thanks to music. The stage requires some kind of alter ego. That’s why I see myself more as an actor who makes music.”

When he started looking into the Eurovision Song Contest a few years ago, it seemed like a logical fit for him. “It’s about matching different facets. Of course I try to do that with all the music I make. But especially for Eurovision you have to embrace the theatrical. I have no problem with that at all, I like to be a drama queen.”

The video clip, which was released together with the song ‘Before the party’s over’ in February, promised that dramatic effect: smoke, glitter and little clothing. That sounds like the ultimate Eurovision Song Contest combination. “Yet I want the music to continue to prevail, and the message I convey. We sometimes use too much glitter in our lives to cover up the fact that we are not doing so well. Therefore: hang in there, look ahead. I also extended that to the stage.”

Mustii starts at the back, away from the audience, and then faces the entire audience for an apotheosis. He makes a stop between dozens of microphones. “These symbolize the many voices you hear, the criticism you receive. But also for the people who drag you through it.” The fact that he put together an international background choir for his act through a competition did not help.

Letting go

Striking: Mustii unexpectedly appeared during the semi-final with the message ‘PEACE’ on his arm. While the organization behind the Eurovision Song Contest, the EBU, had explicitly asked the delegations not to do this. The participation of Israel, which did advance to the final, is a sensitive matter.

Mustii unexpectedly appeared during the semi-final with the message ‘PEACE’ on his arm.Image AP

“It’s just a shame that this topic overshadows the whole thing. I came here for my music and the experience. Of course I understand that we cannot look away, but a boycott would not have changed anything.”

A few weeks before the start of the Eurovision Song Contest, Mustii, together with several other participating artists, signed a statement calling for a ceasefire and the release of Israeli hostages. “Since then, I, like my colleagues, have received particularly harsh reactions. But let me be clear: I am not the victim in this story, but the people who have to experience the situation every day. At some point I cut myself off from criticism. No matter what I said or did, it was never good enough.”

“Let it go”, that was also the tip he received from his predecessor: Gustaph, the Belgian artist for the festival in 2023. “I called him almost every day during my journey here in Malmö, he helped me through this piloted period. It is difficult to explain what you have to go through as a participant, there is so much involved.”

Press moments, rehearsals, performances in the city, social media… It visibly started to take a toll on Mustii. Although he indicated in advance that he wanted to go through every step, he canceled some last minute
events. “It’s very difficult to find me-time, especially here locally. Fortunately, I get a lot of support from my team. By the way, it is Belgian through and through, with Flemish, Walloon and Brussels residents. That was a condition for me. We represent Belgium, so we must radiate that.”

Despite the match ending earlier for Belgium than hoped, Mustii remains proud of his number. “You know things can go wrong, but this song is just very personal. It’s my DNA. The fact that it was immediately embraced by the people I represent, the Belgians, was already a victory for me. Because music remains the most important thing in this competition. This is also what the slogan of the Eurovision Song Contest United by Music says. I have always kept that in mind.”

Unfortunately, our party ends on a low note. Better luck next time, on to 2025. Then it will be up to VRT again to take care of the festival. The public broadcaster confirms participation with the return of the national preselection Eurosong, extended due to great success. If that isn’t a boost to officially end the Belgian Eurovision season.

The article is in Dutch

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