Our outing tips: get free fashion advice in Genk (Family)

Our outing tips: get free fashion advice in Genk (Family)
Our outing tips: get free fashion advice in Genk (Family)

Boutique Billie in Genk

© City of Genk

Together with our lifestyle magazine Billie, shopping day Boutique Billie will take place in Genk on Saturday. Collect your free Billie wristband at the Grote Markt and score nice extras or benefits at dozens of shopping addresses. There is also a lot else to experience: from free fashion advice from top stylists to great live music and a Billie photo booth. Follow one of the workshops, such as pimping your tote bag, or pamper your mother with a beautiful craft and a flower.

On 11/5 from 10 am to 6 pm on and around the Grote Markt in Genk. Info: boutiquebillie.be

Extrema Outdoor in Houthalen

© Bart Borgerhoff

Put on your dancing shoes, because from May 17 to 19 you can go crazy to the resounding beats at Extrema Outdoor. The festival at the Plas in Houthalen promises another great line-up. More than a hundred DJs are featured, including top performers such as Paul Kalkbrenner, Amelie Lens and many others.

From 17 to 19/5 at the Plas in Houthalen-Helchteren. Info: www.extrema.be

Expo about cafes in Hasselt

© Serge Minten

Discover a piece of Belgian café heritage in the Jenever Museum during the exhibition ‘Café owners and Zagemannen, authentic working-class cafés through the lens of Regula Ysewijn’. The gin ambassador pays tribute to the brown pubs and charming cafés of our country. There are also a number of Hasselt copies. It is immediately a plea to go to cafés more often, so that this piece of heritage is preserved.

Until 1/9 in the Jenever Museum, Witte Nonnenstraat 19 in Hasselt. Info: www.jenevermuseum.be

1000 km Stand Up to Cancer in Pelt

© Lieven De Cock – Digitalclickx.com

On Saturday, May 11, Pelt is the Afternoon City of the 1000 km of Kom Op Tegen Kanker. The riders are welcomed with a guard of honor and music by DJ Nouk & Arkei. Then there is plenty of entertainment, from bouncy castles to make-up and glitter tattoos. Fanfare Fatal, the youth fanfare Nut & Vermaak, Vocaalensemble Vocalix and others will perform. In the meantime, enjoy a snack and a drink.

On 11/5 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Pastorietuin, Kerkdijk and Jeugdlaan in Pelt. Info: www.gemeentepelt.be/ afternoonstad-pelt—het-programma

Montmartre on the Demer in Hasselt

© Clavis Publishers

Do you like drawing and do you enjoy the beautiful illustrations of the children’s book illustrators? Then you have to go to Montmartre on the Demer. Clavis Uitgeverij and Herita join forces and organize numerous workshops and drawing sessions. Discover how the most beautiful picture books are created and get started sketching, inspecting and painting yourself. A creative and atmospheric afternoon for the whole family.

On 12/5 from 1 to 5 p.m. at the Herkenrode Abbey site, Herkenrodeabdij 4 in Hasselt. Info: www.clavisbooks.com/nl-be/nieuws/montmartre-aan-de-demer

Bilzen Classic

© Bilzen Classic

For sports enthusiasts there is the Bilzen Classic, a great tour through the Limburg landscape. Bilzen Classic is the event for cycling enthusiasts, both young and old. You can choose from distances of 81, 105 and 150 kilometers with supply stations along the way. There is also a gravel ride of 96 kilometers and a Rond-je Limburg around the provincial borders of 308 kilometers.

On 11/5 from 7 am, register at Sportpark De Katteberg, Zeepstraat 46 in Bilzen. Info: www.bilzenclassic.be

Arts Night in Hasselt

© City of Hasselt

Hasselt is buzzing with creativity and culture during the Arts Night. Take a look behind the scenes at talented artists, visit stimulating exhibitions and listen to surprising concerts. Art and culture houses, gallery owners, exhibition spaces and pop-ups open their doors for free for an evening full of surprises.

On 16/5 from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. at various locations in Hasselt. Info: www.hasselt.be/nl/kunstennacht

The article is in Dutch

Tags: outing tips free fashion advice Genk Family
