Iran sentences award-winning filmmaker Mohammad Rasoulof to eight years in prison and lashings

Iran sentences award-winning filmmaker Mohammad Rasoulof to eight years in prison and lashings
Iran sentences award-winning filmmaker Mohammad Rasoulof to eight years in prison and lashings

Eight years in prison, whipping, a fine and the confiscation of his property. Iranian filmmaker Mohammad Rasoulof was sentenced to this punishment by the Islamic Revolutionary Court. Babak Paknia, the human rights lawyer representing the director, announced this on X.

According to his lawyer, Rasoulof was convicted because he spoke out against the regime, but his films and documentaries are also said to be a cause. These testify to conspiracies and undermine security in the country, the court ruled.

Rasoulof has often clashed with the authoritarian regime in Iran, and has been sentenced to house arrest and prison in several convictions. For example, he was behind bars from July 2022 to February 2023 after he spoke out on social media about police violence during protests in Iran. For health reasons, Rasoulof was released after eight months, although he was not allowed to leave the country. It prevented him from being a jury member for the side competition in Cannes last year Uncertain regard.


Criticism of the Iranian regime is the common thread in Rasoulof’s oeuvre. This was first veiled in allegory, but has become more explicit since he was convicted of anti-propaganda in 2010.

The fact that Rasoulof no longer hides his resistance is proof of the clandestine twist A man of integrity from 2016, in which a morally corrupt country is depicted in pitch black. Also There is no evil with four stories about the death penalty in Iran, there is no room for hope. He won the Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival in 2020, although Rasoulof was unable to receive it himself because he was subject to a travel ban by the Iranian regime for conspiracy and propaganda.

Rasoulof was expected again in Cannes this year. At the film festival, which takes place from May 14 to 25, he would present his new film The seed of a sacred fig to suggest. A Revolutionary Court investigating judge struggles with mistrust and paranoia as political protests grow in Iran. The film is a contender for the Palme d’Or.

It is becoming increasingly common for filmmakers to come into contact with the Iranian authorities. Three months ago, an Iranian film also premiered at the Berlin film festival without the makers. My favorite cake depicted a woman smoking, dancing and drinking. The regime took offense and therefore took away the passports of Maryam Moghaddam and Behtash Sanaeeh, the couple who directed the film. Two years ago, Jafar Panahi, known for Taxi Tehranthe premiere of his film in Venice No bears did not attend because he was in jail. Also because of his critical attitude.
