The 9 things mothers cry about most often

The 9 things mothers cry about most often
The 9 things mothers cry about most often

Crying sometimes provides relief. Sometimes it’s just too much for you, like mom. You’re always on. You are always needed. You no longer have time for yourself and if you do schedule it, you feel guilty. Mothers are allowed to cry.

But what do we cry about most often? Motherhood is a wonderful and rewarding journey, but it can also come with a wide range of emotions, including joy, love, frustration and sadness. Sometimes even the smallest things can move a mother to tears. Here are the 9 things moms cry about most often:

1. Hormones
The hormonal changes associated with pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period can overwhelm a mother with intense emotions. These fluctuations can lead to sudden bouts of crying for no apparent reason.

2. You are happy
The deep and unconditional feeling of love for their children can overwhelm a mother. Seeing their children grow, laugh, play or simply sleep can bring tears of joy.

3. Moving moments
Mothers are often touched by their children’s small gestures or milestones, such as hearing their first words, seeing their first steps or receiving a hug out of the blue. Or suddenly you hear: ‘Mom, today was a very nice day’.

4. Sick children or children in pain
Seeing your children in pain, whether physical or emotional, can deeply affect mothers and move them to tears. Nothing breaks a mother’s heart more than seeing their children suffer.

5. Stress and exhaustion
Motherhood can be tough, especially when it comes with sleep deprivation, stress, and overwhelm. Sometimes the demands of motherhood can become too much and mothers may cry out of sheer exhaustion and frustration.

6. Guilt and doubts
Mothers often feel guilty and doubt themselves, whether they feel like they don’t spend enough time with their children, aren’t a good enough parent, or have made mistakes in their parenting.

7. Anger
You snap. It is enough. You can’t anymore. Your child is being annoying and you explode, slam the door and scream. Then the tears come.

8. Worries about the future
Having children often brings concerns and fears about the future, such as the health, safety and happiness of their children. These worries can sometimes lead to crying fits in mothers.

9. How fast it goes
The realization that children grow up so quickly and that the precious moments of motherhood fly by can deeply touch mothers and move them to tears.

Although crying is often seen as a sign of weakness, it is important to note that it is normal for mothers to cry occasionally as part of motherhood. It is a way to process emotions and express oneself in a world that can sometimes be overwhelming. Sharing these emotions with other mothers can provide a sense of connection and support in the challenging, yet beautiful journey of parenthood.

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