Help brother Abdelouahab against MS

Help brother Abdelouahab against MS
Help brother Abdelouahab against MS

Dear and dear people,

It is not easy for us to make this vulnerable call, but we desperately need your help. Through this message we ask the following. 20 years ago, Abdelouahab was diagnosed with the muscular disease Multiple Sclerosis (MS). In combination with his diabetes, which he had at a young age, this has a serious impact on his daily life as a 41-year-old man. In recent years he has silently battled the debilitating symptoms of this disease using a mobility scooter (now taken away due to accidents due to his physical limitations). The frequent paralysis, continuous loss of vision and paralysis in the arms and mainly the loss of strength and feeling in all his limbs have made him dysfunctional. Nevertheless, he does not give up. Alhamdoulilah he still has a huge smile on his face every day and does not want to show the disease.

Unfortunately, the Netherlands has no treatment for MS, but fortunately there is stem cell therapy abroad that offers hope for him and us as a family. However, in addition to the physical challenges, this comes at a price. This amounts to approximately €55,000. Your help is crucial. We sincerely ask you to fight with us to give him the opportunity to dream of a better future again. Please donate and share this message as much as possible.

May God richly reward everyone who contributes to our beloved brother Abdelouahab. For those who cannot donate, we ask for a sincere plea.

With loving regards,

EL Bouchkouri family

The article is in Dutch

Tags: brother Abdelouahab
