Legionella? These are the most common complaints

Legionella? These are the most common complaints
Legionella? These are the most common complaints

Apr 25, 2024, 4:29 pm


Legionella is a bacterium that lives in water and mainly multiplies at temperatures between 20 and 50 degrees Celsius. When people inhale contaminated water in small droplets, for example while showering or through a nebulizer, they can become ill. This disease is known as legionellosis or Legionnaires’ disease. The symptoms often resemble those of the flu, making it sometimes difficult to quickly recognize the disease. Infection occurs in the lungs and can cause serious breathing problems. It is important to ask what is legionella? So you can avoid the risks and know what to do if you think you are infected.

Cause of legionella

The cause of legionella is inhalation of the bacteria that live in water sources. Stagnant water in pipes, where the temperature is between 20 and 50 degrees Celsius, poses a particular risk. In these conditions the bacteria can multiply rapidly. Old buildings with long pipes where water does not flow regularly are often riskier. Air conditioning systems, cooling towers, and sprinkler systems such as those in fruit and vegetable supermarkets can be a source of contamination. Awareness of these causes helps prevent infection.

Treating Legionella

Once someone is infected with legionella, prompt treatment is crucial. The treatment mainly consists of administering antibiotics. Because the symptoms are similar to those of the flu, it is important to always consult a doctor if in doubt. Early diagnosis and treatment can reduce the risk of serious complications. In addition to medical treatment, it is also essential to trace and remediate the source of contamination. This helps prevent further spread of the bacteria.

Complaints due to legionella

The most common complaints of a legionella infection are fever, chills, headache, muscle pain and coughing. In more severe cases it can lead to pneumonia. Because these symptoms also occur with other diseases, it is sometimes difficult to immediately think of legionella. If you experience these symptoms after visiting a place where the risks of legionella are higher, it is wise to contact a doctor.

Prevention of legionella

Legionella prevention is essential to prevent contamination. This means that water pipe systems must be properly maintained, especially in buildings that have not been used for a long time. Regularly flushing the pipes and setting the water temperature outside the ideal growth range of the bacteria are effective methods.

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Legionella common complaints


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