Makers’ successor The Jewish Council enters into discussions with NPO after rejecting series | Media

Makers’ successor The Jewish Council enters into discussions with NPO after rejecting series | Media
Makers’ successor The Jewish Council enters into discussions with NPO after rejecting series | Media
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The creators of the series The returna successor to The Jewish Council, enter into discussions with the NPO after the public broadcaster decided not to broadcast the new series. This was reported by a spokesperson for NTR, which develops the series.

Screenwriter Roos Ouwehand said in the NPO Radio 1 program With an eye to tomorrow that’s the plan for The return was shot by the NPO. The public broadcaster would find the series too complicated because it has too many main characters.

“Of course there have been discussions between NTR and NPO about the plan for The returnas always when proposals are submitted to the NPO,” says an NTR spokesperson in a response. “A rejection is always disappointing, especially if it is a series that has been worked on for a long time.”

After the NPO rejected the new series, there was contact between NTR and the public broadcaster. “As a result, a conversation is planned between the makers and the NPO.”

The drama series The Jewish Council is about the contact body of the Jewish community with which the Nazis communicated during the war. The return is not a literal sequel The Jewish Council, but a standalone series from the same creators. It should be a mosaic story of characters who returned to the Netherlands after the war.

It is not an option for NTR to host the series in another location, such as a streaming service. “For the NTR, there is only one party to sign proposals and that is the NPO.”
