Finalists of ‘De mol’ are known: last assignment ends with “most absurd situation ever” | TV


TVIt really doesn’t get any crazier in ‘De Mol’. Some assignments that Michaël, Senne, Bernard and Charlotte had to carry out provided astonishing images and the necessary tension. Taking a bath with Bernard’s mother in his house in Melle? Perhaps the most uncomfortable assignment in the history of ‘The Mole’. Although there were also a lot of pass questions, which ultimately defeated the dropout. “I could already see the downpour.”

The seventh episode took place in Palermo. Michaël and Charlotte had to perform a performance in a puppet theater with some mandatory actions and the presence of ‘special guest’ Pinocchio. Bernard and Senne were given the task of picking up the doll in a doll museum and delivering it before the start of the performance. That worked just in time, but instead of the original €6,000, that partial assignment only yielded €820 due to a covered pedometer. After all, for each step Bernard and Senne took, one euro was deducted from the starting amount and along the way the duo made some fumbling and took many unnecessary steps. The performance by Mich and Lolo was much more efficient, but not perfect, so that of the possible €3,000, only €2,000 went to the group pot. It still resulted in a nice score of €18,160.

LOOK. Dropout De Mol responds: “I hope everyone trusts me again now”


And then it was time for the real fireworks in episode 7. For the second assignment, the four semi-finalists were separated from each other for 24 hours and each sent on a separate mission. They had to report on this to the others the next day. This way they could earn money for the group pot or pass questions for themselves, at least if they could mislead their fellow candidates. The explanation predicted a leisurely game, but that turned out to be completely wrong. The four assignments turned out to be such tough stunt work that they seemed impossible or too far-fetched. When each candidate subsequently told their experiences of the past 24 hours, there was mainly disbelief and dismay.

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The first assignment in the puppet theater raised 2,820 euros. © Play4

Michael was ordered to put on his swimming trunks and swim across the three kilometers between Sicily and the Italian mainland in the Strait of Messina alone. Something he did not do, by the way, but was able to lie about it in such a way that he received two passport questions. Charlotte was asked to descend the slope of the active volcano Etna on a mountain bike. Which she did, shouting loudly and enthusiastically, and the group pot also raised €1,000.

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Charlotte on the flank of Etna. © Play4

Bernard traveled quickly to and from Rome, 900 kilometers away, for his task. There he played football with Red Devil and AS Roma star Romelu Lukaku, which also resulted in two pass questions.

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Bernard with Lukaku.
Bernard with Lukaku. © Play4

Senne was perhaps given the craziest assignment ever in the history of ‘The Mole’, because he was instructed to take a bath with Bernard’s mother in Bernard’s house, about 1,600 kilometers away in Melle. Unlikely, awkward and unbelievable to tell as an adventure, but it turned out to be true after an intermediate flight to Cologne. And good for two pass questions. “The most absurd situation ever,” he described the event afterwards. And so the seventh episode in the Sicilian capital ended with amazement, six pass questions won and a provisional score of €19,160.

Senne taking a bath with Bernard's mother in his house in Melle.
Senne taking a bath with Bernard’s mother in his house in Melle. © PLAy4

LOOK. Was Senne really in the bath with Bernard’s mother?

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But also with one candidate less. After all, Charlotte was allowed to pack. The pharmacist of course already realized that she had entered the danger zone and started the elimination with a heavy handicap, as she was the only one who could not conjure up two pass questions from her back pocket. The others could do that and perhaps benefited from it too. Bye-bye Charlotte. Next week, the undoubtedly thrilling final will be a men’s affair. Michaël, Senne and Bernard will then decide among themselves who can go home with the group pot, who can be disappointed because he was not allowed to do so and who has been that exciting saboteur in recent weeks.

Charlotte had to leave the game.
Charlotte had to leave the game. © Play4

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Tags: Finalists mol assignment ends absurd situation
