Jimmy Frey (85) in trouble with health: “I can hardly walk anymore”

Jimmy Frey (85) in trouble with health: “I can hardly walk anymore”
Jimmy Frey (85) in trouble with health: “I can hardly walk anymore”

Singer Jimmy Frey, now 85, is in serious trouble with his health. A torn tendon in his left leg was diagnosed. An operation is no longer possible given his age. “I can hardly walk anymore,” he complains Hello everyone.

At the end of April he was allowed to blow out 85 candles, but charm singer Jimmy Frey, known for Saragossa and Roses for Sandra, hasn’t exactly been in a party mood lately. His health is visibly deteriorating. This is what he says in the weekly magazine Hello everyone that he is walking around with a torn tendon in his leg. “That’s no laughing matter. The doctors are going to give me injections for that.”

A surgical intervention is no longer possible. “My heart is exhausted, the doctors say. I have had a pacemaker for several years and I feel very good about it, but surgery would be too risky,” Frey explains. “That’s a setback, because I can hardly walk anymore. My back has also collapsed. “I’m in a lot of pain all the time,” he says.

“Living with pain”

The singer’s medical bulletin is not bad at his advanced age. “I had surgery on both of my knees. In total, I have had twelve major interventions in the last fifteen years, six of which have been since that fall with my bicycle ten years ago.”

Despite the malaise, there is no pain medication. “It makes me dizzy. Oh well, I’ve learned to live with the pain.”

READ ALSO. Jimmy Frey: “I got girl pregnant, but she never told me”

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Jimmy Frey trouble health walk anymore
