Willem earns 2,353 euros net: is that a good wage? Work expert: “Textbook example of the promotion trap” | Salary check

Willem earns 2,353 euros net: is that a good wage? Work expert: “Textbook example of the promotion trap” | Salary check
Willem earns 2,353 euros net: is that a good wage? Work expert: “Textbook example of the promotion trap” | Salary check

How do you know if you earn enough? Professor of labor economics from Ghent University and HLN work expert Stijn Baert examines the salary of an HLN reader every week. Today it is Willem’s turn, a young man in his early thirties who works as an administrative assistant. With ten years of experience under his belt, he earns a net 2,353 euros, plus meal vouchers and a mobile phone subscription. “The gross salary is very nice, but one conversation can yield a lot for him,” Baert tips.

Stijn Baert

03-05-24, 13:00

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Tags: Willem earns euros net good wage Work expert Textbook promotion trap Salary check
