New life for old book: ‘It’s not about the sales figures for me’ – Advertising Veghel | City newspaper Veghel

New life for old book: ‘It’s not about the sales figures for me’ – Advertising Veghel | City newspaper Veghel
New life for old book: ‘It’s not about the sales figures for me’ – Advertising Veghel | City newspaper Veghel

6 minutes ago

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VEGHEL | The Veghelian writer Valentijn M. Civi has published a new book. He recently received the first copy at his publisher’s office. “I proudly present my new masterpiece. I can’t wait to share it with all the residents of Veghel,” says Civi.

Almost fifteen years ago Civi’s first book, Curtains are Open, the light of day. It is a paranormal thriller that the Veghel writer is still very proud of. “However, as a novice author I was still inexperienced in choosing a publisher and selecting the right materials. That is why I chose a publisher in Amsterdam at the time, without knowing that the head office was in Switzerland,” says Civi. He continues: “When I received the first copy of my book, pride quickly turned to disappointment. The cover was as thin as an A4 sheet and the text was compressed, without any division, to reduce costs. This compromise in quality broke my heart. I could barely sell my work, because in addition to the price of the book, readers also had to pay high shipping costs from Switzerland.”

Writer Valentijn Civi receives the first copy of his book from the publisher.

An experience richer, but an illusion poorer, De Veghelaar decided not to stop writing. In fact, he closed the chapter and delved deeply into the world of publishers, paper types and formats. “I did all that before I started a new project,” Civi adds.

Blur text of the book:
Micah wakes up in the hospital, alone, and is stunned to realize that he has paranormal abilities. Faced with the loss of his loved ones and haunted by ghosts that haunt him, he faces a terrifying battle. Various entities continue to attack him, their identities and intentions unknown, while people around him die heartbreakingly. He is forced to make hair-raising choices in his confrontation with these ghosts.

An epic battle unfolds between Micah and the ruthless ghosts that haunt him, as he defends not only his own life and soul, but those of his loved ones as well. Time fades away as he races against time between the world of the living and the realm of the dead.

Lack of recognition
The lack of recognition for his debut work continued to gnaw at him. The Veghel writer decided to breathe new life into his old book. “The genre of paranormal thrillers has gained popularity over the years. That inspired me to return to my original story after almost fifteen years. After three books and many lessons learned, I picked up the pen again and began a revised version of my first book. Two years of dedication resulted in a work that I am truly proud of, both in terms of content and presentation,” Civi explains. The book Curtains are opened can be purchased for 21.99 euros via the website of the publisher of Civi:

Energy boost
“Receiving enthusiastic responses from readers fills me with joy every day. For me, it is not the sales figures that count, but the fact that my story has found a place in the homes of many: acquaintances and strangers. This feeling of appreciation gives me an unprecedented feeling energy boost“, concludes the Veghel writer.
Previously published books by Valentijn M. Civi are: My brother, The Prankster and Blind Connection.

The article is in Dutch

Tags: life book sales figures Advertising Veghel City newspaper Veghel
