Monsterer Erik Huisman writes third book: ‘Bird-free cancer year’

Monsterer Erik Huisman writes third book: ‘Bird-free cancer year’
Monsterer Erik Huisman writes third book: ‘Bird-free cancer year’

Huisman has been on a rollercoaster for more than three years. It was three very different years that produced three different books. The third book is called ‘Mallemolen 3 – A bird-free cancer year’. The common thread in these three books is that the now 64-year-old former journalist and handball player had to constantly switch gears.

That started in September 2020. Out of the blue, he turned out to have metastatic prostate cancer. Incurable. Top fit sick. At the same time. A unique and fascinating year followed. Absorb the blow of the diagnosis, chemotherapy plus hormone therapy and carefully bounce back. It was an intense year in which he received an unprecedented amount of support and experienced beautiful things.

The following year was ‘mighty’. Trying hard to reintegrate outside and inside work. It turned out to be an adventure with tough moments and pain in addition to beautiful experiences and opportunities. At the end of Mallemolen 2, Huisman says goodbye to his work at TU Delft. Despite all efforts, work is no longer possible. Too exhausting.

And then Huisman was suddenly free. That turned out to have two sides. On the one hand, he was as free as a bird and could do things at his pace and under his direction. On the other hand, he often felt like an outlaw. Because structure is more important, not a pattern. He began an enthusiastic search for balance. What is possible and what is not? What do I want and don’t want? Sports work. His son also follows the World Short Track Championships, among other things. And he sometimes gives a lecture. Mallemolen 3 is about that and much more.

Mallemolen 3 – An Outlaw Cancer Year is self-published and costs € 18. That is the price of printing. Huisman’s goal is to reach as many people as possible with his experiences that show you can build a beautiful and meaningful ‘new’ life despite incurable cancer. The book can be ordered via [email protected].

The article is in Dutch

Tags: Monsterer Erik Huisman writes book Birdfree cancer year
